• What Equipment do I need for virtual training?

    All that is needed is you and a space large enough for you to move around! Dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, kettle bells or any other for of gym equipment can all be useful but are not necessary to create an affective workout.

  • Can I do this at home?


    The beauty of virtual training is that you can follow your plan anywhere.

  • Does this come with Macro recommendations or nutrition coaching?

    I am not a nutritionist and will not be giving you specific nutrition coaching.

    This being said Nutrition is a large part of achieving any strength or endurance goals. If you have general questions I can help point you in the right direction but will encourage you to seek out a nutritionist for more specifics if needed.

  • How much time do I need for strength training?

    The other great part about this kind of 1:1 training is that I will adapt your program to you schedule.

    Depending on your goal, you will still be able to see positive changes with just 2 strength sessions a week!

  • Do you coach runners?

    I am not a running coach…yet ;)

    This being said, I am able to advise you on general ways to incorporate running workouts into you strength sessions.

  • Do you do In-Person training?


    I live in the Upper Valley region in New Hampshire and have built a gym right in my home. If you are in the area and would like an in-person session I have dumbbells, a lift/squat rack with barbell and bumper plates, a hex bar, a multi-use pulley system and plenty of space.

    Come see for yourself :)